21 December 2006

Spanish Meatballs - Pisto Manchego or Spanish ratatouille

Spanish Meatballs

A famous Spanish recipe, Spanish meatballs are served in tapas bars as a snack. When made at home they are generally served as a main course.
1 large onions
2 cloves of garlic
2 whole cloves
1 glass of white wine
Salt and pepper
1 Carrot
1 bayleaf
Tomato purée
Half a stock cube
400g minced chicken
100g finely chopped bacon
1 tsp. chopped parsley
2 tblsp soya sauce
1 tblsp bread crumbs
1 tsp. of oregano
Olive oil
1 ripe tomatoes
1 cup of peas

1.Mix the chicken with the bacon. Finley chop half of the onion and crush one clove of garlic, add this and the soya sauce, oregano, pinenuts and breadcrumbs to the meat, and mix all ingredients together well.
2.Make small balls with the mixture - about 4cm diametre. Coat them lightly in the flour and put all the balls on a large plate and set aside.
3.Now make the sauce. Cut up the other half of the onion and chop the other garlic clove, and put both of them in a pan with a little olive oil, the parsley and salt and pepper to taste. Fry gently until they are soft, and then chop the tomatoe and add to the pan, finally grate the carrot and add to the mix. Add the white wine and the cloves, half a stock cube dissolved in half a cup of water, the peas, a bayleaf and a bit of tomato purée . Stir well and put on a low heat.
4.Gently fry the meatballs in some olive oil until they are brown all over. You don't have to use lots of oil - turn them over so that they cook on all sides. As the meatballs are ready, put them into the pan with the sauce and leave them to simmer in the sauce for about half an hour.
5.You can serve with a green leafy and red pepper salad.

Pisto Manchego or Spanish ratatouille

Pisto manchego is similar to ratatouille and can be used as a filling for sandwiches, crepes, or even as a pasta sauce.
4 ripe tomatos
2 onions
2 green peppers
1 red pepper
2 courgettes
3 cloves of garlic
olive oil
salt and pepper

1.Dip the tomatoes in boiling water to loosen the skin, then peel them and cut them in to small pieces
2.Peel and slice the onions and garlic and slice the peppers and courgettes
3.Put the olive oil into a frying pan, and gently fry the garlic and onions for a few minutes. Add the peppers and turn up the heat a little. Cook for five minutes, stirring constantly.
4.Add the courgette, stir and cook for five more minutes and then add the tomatoes. Cover the pan, and leave to simmer for about 15 minutes. 5.Add sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Turn up the heat and stir well. If the pisto has too much liquid, let it boil away but keep stirring. Serve and enjoy!

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